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emerging leaders in multinationals 2024

23 May 2024
8am - 5pm
12% of executives say their organisations have a strong leadership bench*
6% of organisations feel that they are "very ready" to develop their global leaders*
83% of global leaders say they feel they are unprepared to step up*

high performance leadership

Abundium's Emerging Leaders in Multinationals (ELM) is Australia’s only summit to help fast track the performance, well-being, and careers of leaders in foreign owned multinationals.

Access to fantastic thought leaders & opportunities to connect with great leaders across all industries.” - multinational leader, ELM 2023 attendee 


The research is clear and consistent. Multinational CEOs say they don’t have the global leaders they need & most emerging leaders don’t feel they have the capabilities to perform in a global context.


ELM is a full day summit featuring world class thought leaders & multinational CEOs, leveraging a collaborative design to promote peer to peer learning.


For emerging leaders (one or two levels below the country leadership team) of foreign owned companies to spend a knowledge & relationship enriching day with their true peers & multinational CEOs.

summit start



Growth is top of the agenda for multinationals in 2024. Global companies’ expectations of their operations in Australia and New Zealand dramatically shifted this year following two years of austerity for many. Market conditions continue to be soft and growth will require high performance leadership!

At ELM 2024, high performance is the theme and we will seek to explore the following questions:


What unique mindframes and capabilities differentiate the highest performing multinational leaders from others in foreign owned companies?

What lessons can we learn from successful multinational leaders about achieving and sustaining high performance across their careers?
What opportunities exist for multinational leaders to embrace new techniques and technology, such as generative AI, to augment and accelerate performance?
How do the highest performing leaders in the world create environments that bring out their best and the best in their teams?
How can multinational leaders prepare for an uncertain future to promote high performance today and tomorrow, regardless of the external environment?


World-class global management thinkers and top global leaders in Australia. We're excited to announce additional speakers soon.


Over 50 multinationals will be joining this year. Will you be there?


inspiration & learning
Being inspired and learning from some of Australia’s leading multinational and ASX CEOs as well as world renowned authority on high performance Andy Meikle. 
practical & tactical
Practical and tactical ideas to develop themselves and others, building the strength of their organisation’s leadership pipeline and readiness for the future. 
deepening relationships
Deepening relationships with current and emerging leaders from their organization, including their CEO if attending, forming bonds for future learning and collaboration. 
new connections
Building new connections with current and emerging leaders from other organisations to learn from and potentially build new commercial relationships. 
broader perspective
Gaining a broader perspective, feeling recognized by their company, and being recharged and energized to finish 2024 strongly. 


A one-day opportunity to fast-track learning with a content rich program delivered by top class speakers. The day will be divided into 'the what', 'so what', and 'now what' making every session critical. You'll leave with an actionable roadmap for developing your future ready global leaders.

Rich Hirst

CEO & Co-Founder Abundium 



the high performance leadership challenge in multinationals

  • Leading down-under: the unique challenges and opportunities of being an Australian country leader every emerging leader must know and be prepared for. 
  • Innovation from the edge: the critical role Australia plays in the global success of foreign owned companies that depends on high performance leadership. 
  • High performance hacks: tips and tactics for ELM participants to maximise the value they and their companies get at the Summit and afterwards. 

Nicky Sparshott

Global Chief of Transformation Unilever 

supercharging your career & results

  • From strength to strength: key lessons in managing your multinational career and knowing when you are ready to step up and how to avoid burnout. 
  • Tranformative leadership: a case study of how Unilever’s A&NZ operations under Nicky’s leadership changed the way Unilever thinks globally. 
  • Profit & purpose: understanding how to lead in a way that brings together both profit and purpose to positively impact people and the planet.

Sean Williams

Global CEO and Founder of AutogenAI


augmenting high performance with ai

  • Hyper growth leadership: the keys to leading a fast growing company and taking your team on the journey so no one gets left behind. 
  • GenAI friend or foe: the role generative AI will play in transforming your industry and what threat or opportunity that presents to emerging leaders. 
  • Leadership in 2030: what leadership and life will look like in 2030 and how today’s leaders can prepare given the speed of digital transformation. 

Andy Meikle

Global Authority on High Performance

how to build high performance environments

  • High performance triggers: what happens before high performance occurs based on research involving over 30,000 of the world’s elite performers. 
  • Cultivating high performance:  how we can create the optimal conditions that result in high performance for ourselves and the teams we lead. 
  • Lessons from legends: telling trends from the world’s greatest high performers such as Mandela, Sir Edmund Hillary, NASA, Juilliard, Special Forces, Samurai etc. 

Ian Bailey

Managing Director Kmart Group (ASX: WES) 


performing whilst transforming an aussie icon

  • The great turnaround: the case study of how Kmart turned itself around to become a globally recognized success story.
  • People and culture: the key role of Kmart Group’s 50,000 employees on accelerating growth and performance.
  • Customer advocacy: how product innovation has driven unparalleled customer advocacy and social media awareness.


Gabi Mittas - General Manager ANZ, Amgen

Kelly Van Nelson - Senior Executive, Serco

Isaiah Dawe - CEO & Founder, ID. Know Yourself

levelling up your performance

  • High performance habits: Tactics three of Australia’s leading CEOs practice to keep themselves in a peak state and continually growing. 
  • Bettering others: Practical ways these three CEOs bring out the best in others and balance financial outcomes with sustainable impact.  
  • Where to from here? Panel to share their key insights from the day and commitments made turning inspiration into results. 

Dani Matthews

Chief Growth Officer and Co-founder Abundium

high performance commitments

  • Elevated Sensemaking: The missing link in turning ideas into actions that result in high performance that can be replicated in any context. 
  • Time to elevate: An interactive process providing all participants with the opportunity to consolidate their insights by maximum relevance to their company and their career. 
  • Your next two moves: Inspired by Andy’s research all participants will map out the two actions that will result in the most dramatic improvements to their performance. 

summit partners

Thanks to our generous summit partners joining us this year. Learn more about partnership options below in our FAQ section.

what others say

Know the game, set goals that can be frequently achieved to become habits & remember values are not goals!

emerging leaderelm 2023

Relevant thinking, good stories & examples things that people can action with their teams & personally too.

multinational leaderelm 2023

Access to fantastic thought leaders & opportunities to connect with great leaders across all industries.

summit attendeeelm 2023
Real topics, engaging content & fabulous stories from inspiring and humanistic leaders.
emerging leaderelm 2023

frequently asked questions

We're here to help. Can't find the answer to your question? Get in touch here.

Who can attend ELM 2024?

CEOs, c-suite execs and emerging leaders one or two levels below the local (ANZ)  country leadership team of a foreign owned company.   

I don't work for a multinational, can I attend ELM 2024? To ensure all those attending get a true peer experience, you must work for the local operation (ANZ) of a foreign owned multinational company. 
What defines an ‘emerging leader’?

An ‘Emerging Leader’ is someone who sits below the country leadership team. They have great potential and are key talent to their organisation. 

How should my company choose who attends? We suggest you select one or two people from each of your functions to attend ELM based on those that have expressed their desire to move up
to join the country executive team. This approach promotes cross functional collaboration and relationship building, which is key to the future success as a country leader.
How does ELM 2024 compliment our inhouse programs? ELM provides emerging leaders in multinationals with access to insights & experiences of global thought leaders, multinational CEOs, & peers
outside their company and industry. This diversity of thought & wisdom is key in a rapidly changing world where the solutions to organisational challenges do not always exist within the walls of the company.
What if I only want to come to a few sessions?

ELM is designed as a full day experience, so we encourage you to attend the whole day, however if you need to miss a session that is at your discretion. Tickets are for the full day only. Tickets for individual sessions are not available.  

Will there be an ELM online offering in 2024?

ELM 2024 is a live in person experience to promote knowledge sharing and network building. Attendees will also be invited to join Abundium's digital community platform called Abundihub, enabling them before, during and after the Summit to connect with each other, share content, and access resources including recordings of each session from anywhere at any time on their device.

How can I apply to be an ELM 2024 Partner? We’re so glad you asked! We have 3 partnership tiers available, click here to learn more and email to sign up.
How can my company or I apply to speak at ELM 2024? You can get in touch with us at 
Can I get my ticket refunded? We don’t want your ticket to go to waste so emerging leader tickets are transferable to anyone of your choosing as long as they meet the attendee criteria (see ‘who can attend’). Refunds for this event are not available. 
How are you addressing and representing First Nations people at the event?

Abundium acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land where the event will take place. 

We are working to ensure the event recognises and respectfully upholds inclusive cultural protocols. Our program is still being developed and will offer a diverse range of topics, people, and ideas. 

How long has ELM been running for? ELM was an initiative conceived and launched in 2013 by Rich Hirst when he was a Director of the CEO Forum Group. Well over 2,000 people have participated in ELM since then. In 2020 Rich founded Abundium, a knowledge network for the local leaders of foreign owned organisations. The ELM program was relaunched in 2023 for a new audience of emerging leaders. 
How can I learn more about Abundium? The Abundium website is your first stop for information on why we exist, who we are and what we do. Check out this page footer to sign-up for our newsletters. For additional content and highlights, find us on Linkedin and use '@abundium' to mention us. Our event hashtag is #elm2024.
Data references: 12% of executives say their organisations have a strong leadership bench (DDI 2023) | 6% feel that they are "very ready" to develop their global leaders (Deloitte 2015) | 83% of global leaders feel unprepared to step up (McKinsey)